In-Depth Word Analysis

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  • WA- THA- QA: there are many terms for ‘promise’ in the Qur’aan, one of which is ‘meethaaq’ . Allah uses this term many a times; in this PDF not only is this term explained, but its root letters and what it the root word signifies. In truth, this term signifies much more than just a promise, it’s a covenant that must not be breached.

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  • SA – NA – HA &  WA – SA – NA: there are two terms used in the Qur’aan that look exactly the same [if it wasn’t for the vowels], they are ‘sanah’ and ‘sinah’. In this PDF we learn how both terms actually come from two different root letters and carry two totally opposite meanings [the first means year and the second slumber!].

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  • BA – HA – TA:  Buhta is a term which to be totally dumbfounded, bewildered and perplexed. What is interesting is that the same root letters are used to bring about another term, which is ‘buhtaan’ [slander, false accusation and untruth]. Find out in this PDF what is the correlation between these two terms.

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  • LA – BA –THA: in this PDF there are example of how the term ‘labatha’ is mentioned in the Qur’aan.

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  • Arsh – Many may not be familiar with the term ‘arsh’ and if they are, they may not be familiar with the different meanings it represents [depending on the usage]. In fact ‘Arsh’ comes with three different meanings in the Qur’aan.

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