As people are content with the world, so should you be content with Allaah. As they are delighted by the world, so should you be delighted with Allaah. As they are intimate with their loved ones, so should you seek intimacy with Allaah. As they desire to know their kings and their leaders, and to draw near to them in order for honor and status to be conferred on them, so should you come to know Allaah and seek His love, this will lead to the utmost honor and distinction.
Said one of the zuhhåd (pious):
"I can never imagine that someone could hear about Paradise and Hellfire and can still waste an hour without performing any act of obedience to Allaah, such as remembrance, prayer, reciting Qur'aan or an act of charity and kindness.”
Someone said to him: "I weep profusely."
He replied:
“That you laugh while confessing your sin is better than weeping yet being puffed-up with pride because of your deeds. For the deeds of a conceited person will never rise above his head.”
The person then requested: "Please counsel me."
So he replied:
“Leave the world to those who hanker after it, as they leave the Afterlife to its seekers. And be in this world as the bee: it eats only good, produces only good, and when it rests upon a flower it neither ruins it nor deflowers it.”
Source: Al Fawaa'id, Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah), Pg.187.