My friends when things become unbearable, turn to Allah.
Ibn al-Jawzi said:
“Something was causing me a great deal of grief and distress, and I started to think long and hard about how to get out of this situation by any means, but I could not find any way out. Then I came across this verse:
“… And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out [ of every difficulty].” (Surah Talaq, 65:2)
I realized that Taqwa (piety, fearing Allah) is the way out of every kind of grief and distress. As soon as I followed the path of Taqwa, I found the way out.”

Taqwa is the way that leads to everything good, for calamity happens only as the result of sin and it can only be lifted through repentance. Sadness, grief and worry are punishments for sins that we have committed, by falling short in our prayers, or backbiting about someone, or taking sin lightly, or committing Haraam actions. Whoever disobeys Allah has to pay the price for that shortcoming. Staying away from the guidance of Allah only brings misery and deprives one from His blessings. It will turn our knowledge, beauty, strength and intelligence into a calamity and loss.
Turning to Allah requires a person to renew himself, reorganize his life, develop a better relationship with Allah, do better deeds and recite this Dua often:
Dear Sisters, remember that in thankfulness, remembrance, and patience are blessings and rewards.