“My aspiration in this world…”
And to spread it openly in every town and village;
Being one who is calling to the Qur’an and sunan,
That, in their gatherings, the men have forgotten
And, as a Mujaahid, on the farthest frontlines to stay,
If I am called forth, being the first to make my way;
With the clanking of weapons in the darkness, frequented by silence,
Clashing with the disbelievers, encircled by the violence;
Not turning back, facing my demise with my chest,
To be killed by a disbeliever is the youth’s death noblest;
So, O my Lord, allow me not to die in any other way,
And use me not as a stuffing for the graves."
Source: Ibn Hazm's 'at-Talkhis li Wujuh at-Takhlis'; p. 57.