- Tajweedinenglish.com Given that there are approximately 20 million Muslims in the English speaking world, this is a useful resource to bring this sacred knowledge to those who cannot find access to sheikhs.The podcasts are a series of short, engaging lectures, going through the rules of Arabic alphabet, makharij (articulation points), sifaat (qualities of letters), waqf (rule stopping and pausing)and rasm (Orthography relating to recitation of certain words).(Click here to find out about the teacher)
- Abouttajweed.com This site explains some of the principles of tajweed and focuses on the problems that non-Arabs have in reciting the Qur'an properly. Tajweed tidbit lessons will be given in different aspects of tajweed, and questions submitted will be reviewed, answered, and posted.
- Readwithtajweed.com This website covers all main areas of Tajweed, each one packed with definition, explanations, examples from the Qur'an, further audio explanations and practical exercises. And all pages are printable allowing you to study away from the computer or with a friend. This course has been divided into sections helping you to digest the information easily.
- Qur'aan Flash: A simple microsite displaying the Holy Quran (Medina layout), in a very interactive way.
- The Qiraa'aat Identified In The Qura'nic Manuscripts. This is an excellent resource for anyone interested in how the different recitations were identified in the old manuscripts. There are pictures of some of the oldest manuscripts in the world.
- Versions of the Qur'aan? This link explains the difference between "Ahruf" and "Qiraa'aat" and how the Christian Missionaries are confused and ignorant.